Friday, January 29, 2010

Hollywood Undead- Double Page Spread Analysis.

Hollywood undead - Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread is set on a picturesque background of a pinky purple sunset. This represents that the darkness is coming, symbolising the type of music Hollywood undead play. In the bottom right hand side of the page there are gravestones, emphasizing the dark side. No body wants to be at a graveyard at night. The effect of the background is effective as it contrasts very well with the image of the band. They’re wearing dark colours against a bright sky. Giving them that dramatic image, if they were against a dark background they wouldn’t stand out they’d blend in, which for this band is not a look they want to go for.

The image is what the eye is drawn to first. In this case this is because the image takes up 70% of the pages, making it hard to miss. The dark clothing worn represents the dark dramatic side of the music industry. Each band member is wearing an either black or white mask, except the leader who wears a blue one to stand out more. You can tell he’s the leader as he is also standing at the front of the group and they line up behind him. The masks can be classed as horrific, however as the article states they’re not there to hide their identity they’re simply to make the band stand out against the masses of bands trying to make it. However some can say that the use of masks display the element of hidden identity, they can kick back have a good time listening to the band, but then also lead their lives in ways the band don’t sarcasm doesn’t suggest.

Again the colours of black and white have been used because they contrast against each other, the same colour scheme has been used for the heading as well. The colours black and white suggest opposite and controversial views, the Ying and Yang effect, love and hate. You either love or hate them and they don’t care. The band aren’t dressed in a particular style like other bands would wear co-ordinating clothes. They wear what they want the band except the main singer are wearing black, it stands out but together they blend in, in harmony where as the leader has to be known and therefore wears a beige colour jacket. The overall image is masculine however the lead singer has a feminine tattoo of butterflies on his hands this shows that you don’t have to fit in with one category you can be who you want. This effect is also reiterated with the scarf and sunglasses attached to the jacket which you wouldn’t normally see on a rock band.

The image gets the message across about them being controversial but the text which in all respect is the most important concept of an article also suggests this image. This is represented by the use of black and white text again, also the main heading even lists what these colours represent, “Loved, Loathed, Twisted and Controversial.” The colours look as if they slightly glow against the background, the glow can be perceived as pride of what they are labelled as.

The font used for ‘Hollywood Undead’ is in the style of the Hollywood sign itself. This represents the good life. This part of the article uses colours that blend nicely with the background. The article has used enough contrast; colours that don’t constantly contrast each other are easier to read. Typical of nearly all magazines is that they write articles in a newspaper style and this is no exception. With two neat columns. Text that the journalists find to be particularly interesting or humorous they highlight or put in a separate box to make it stand out. In this article the highlighted and sectioned off text represents the entire band as it says “weird”. This tells the audience that it is ok to weird, be your self. No one should mind. As its something the lead singer has said fans would be inspired. As they look up to them.

My Chemical Romance-Double Page Spread Analysis

My Chemical Romance - Double Page Spread Analysis

The band featured in this double page spread is My Chemical Romance, there very well known acronym of MCR. I know this because the acronym and there name is repeated twice within a short space. First the acronym and then their name. The alternative colours on the background draw attention. The plain black background makes it easy to follow the text, the colour black is also a dramatic colour, it also represents the unknown and fear, in a sense that the new MCR releases (which the article talks about) are unheard.

The alternative lines of red and white make it easier to read than each word an alternating colour. The red represents the band as passionate and seek danger. The white contrasts well and is used for the ying and yang effect, symbolizing love and hate. The colours contrast well against each other they're different and stand out which says a lot for their followers, who also stand out against the crowd and don’t follow status quo.

The writing is slanted instead of straight also showing difference and untidiness.Where the text starts the first letter is in bold and red, the "M" stands for the band.As usual the article is set in a newspaper style in columns.

Following the colour scheme, so you know it's all part of one article the "News" and the "world exclusive!" are also in red the arrow points toward the article suggesting that this information isn’t found any where else, making the reader feel privileged to read an exclusive interview. it also can attract new readers if the tag world exclusive interview with MCR on the cover.

The pictures used are in sepia, it subtracts the entire colour from the image suggesting that they've stripped down all the chaos and they're going in a new direction there will be no distraction from the new album focusing mainly on the music.

Each image shows a different story the main image identifies the lead singer Gerard Way with he’s' head down this is a dramatic pose, showing a breath from performing hands on the mic show power in he’s performance.

The image to the right of Gerard shows Mikey Ways eye contact with the crowd during the performance, this connotes dedication and confidence towards his music.

The third image, of the members of the band conversing, this could be meaning commitment towards their music and their fans to provide the best music possible. And demonstrated teamwork, positive role modelling towards their fans.

The last image with the body language with hands on Gerard’s head shows enthusiasm for his recordings and music. The quote in the bottom left represents humorous relationship with the band and the journalist.

The last part of the article on the far right hand side Is a snippet of what’s to come from the New Jersey band in the following album. It gives the names of a couple of tracks inside the album and explains what type of song and meaning behind it and what it sounds like. The arrow points down towards the text, displaying this is where the information is. The colour of it matches the rest of the colour scheme, so the audience can tell its all part of the same article.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AS media brief

The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. 

All images and text used must be original produced by the candidate, minimum of 4 images.