Thursday, March 11, 2010

My ideas for my front cover: ALTERNATE.


IDEAS TWO: Masthead Alternate, this suggests that you deviate from normal society and change things up or you don’t follow the crowd. This is ideal for my audience, however more people listen to rock and alternative music than a few years ago, this especially for punk music.

Once again the masthead will be along the top of the magazine, following the conventions of other magazines.

IMAGE: A selection/collage of pictures of artists featured inside the magazine and magazines to come. I think this is a good way to kick off a new magazine and demonstrates the genres of music present. The cover would have artists in boxes instead of cutting round each person and overlaying each other.

COLOUR SCHEME: Red and blue these colours will be along the masthead and alternating font colours, this sticks with the masthead of alternating. A few of the boxes will be highlighted with either red or blue just to emphasize the colour scheme. The red represents danger and passion where as the blue contradicts this as it is a cool calming colour. Making the overall colour scheme neutral.

DESIGN: however this design will be mainly of the background image with few bits of texts. The text used will be in matching boxes to the images and writing across a few images, so the image is clearly visible. Little text will be used to give the image the full effect of variety. I don’t want to overpower the cover by putting too much into it.

LANGUAGE: The language is going to involve a slight bit of simple slang to show the audience that the magazine is current and up to date with the times. Which will appeal to the audience, it will not be patronising or incredibly politically correct, as I feel that this detracts from the over all image of ‘Rock n Roll’.

I feel this is a good idea, however as the criteria lists you have to take your own pictures it will be very difficult to take a large amount of different pictures, around twenty. So I don’t think I will be using this design.

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