Saturday, May 8, 2010

Question 5

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I researched into other existing music magazines and what features attract there audiences, I created a questionnaire asking the market these magazines target, what they liked and didn’t like about a select few magazine covers. Feedback showed me that majority of people answered the familiarity of the product and who makes it attracts them to the product. For example people buy a product from Cadbury because they are familiar with the brand and trust it. A feature that scored low was the use of celebrities highlighting the fact that my target audience are not immediately interested by the artist, creating a great market for new undiscovered artists. I then proposed my ideas and had them answer questions on what ideas they liked better, as my aim is to target this audience you have to use their opinions when creating my product. Features that attracted my audience are the colour scheme, main image and text. To target my audience I first took a look at colour schemes used in these existing magazines, I decided to use bright alternating purple and green colours as it draws your attention in and was favourable by majority on my questionnaire. I asked a few participants why they answered green and purple and they replied that “they contrast well together they’re quirky and purple is a good colour.” The font attracts both my male and female audiences because these two colours are neither very girly or boyish. Both colours are appeal to both sexes. Both colours do not represent a distinctive sex like pink is stereotypically used for girls and blue used for
To keep the audience interested I kept the colour scheme running throughout the contents page, the background is plain so it does not subtract attention from what’s inside. The shade of the colours are identical to the cover. The page numbers are in green with the win box in purple. The green boxes surrounding each subheading is a new edition to the finished page. This is because I sent my finished work around my target audience and asked them what they liked, didn’t like and what I cold improve and the feedback suggested that the contents page could do with something extra, some suggested a background to be used. After this feedback my initial idea was to fill the background in one shade of a colour and then use the gradient tool to emphasize areas. However with the green and purple already being used on the page using these colours as a background would make certain parts blend into the background, and changing the background colour would throw the colour scheme out the window. So I asked my teacher and he suggested a simple box round each subheading would give the contents page that little boost as having the idea of the white background was good as it is clear to read off of. Little adjustment but made the page more colourful and sticking to the colour scheme drawing equal attention to every feature.

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