Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First issue of existing magazines

To help me understand what a front cover needs, I researched into 3 existing magazine companies and there first ever issue of the magazine these were Kerrang!, NME and Q. Kerrang!'s first issue was published and released on June 6th 1981. Q's was first released in 1986 and NME which has been published weekly since 7th March 1952.

NME has gone through many drastic changes as it started out as a large Newspaper magazine. It was in black and white, it was the first of its kind and only on the 14th november 1952's issue is when the first ever singles chart was released inside. It has four images on the cover each sharing a relatively equal size space. There's little space for text or articles to be attached to the images, there's a little article attached to te first image, however any other article is seperate and inside an indivdual text box.
When NME was first released it wasn't written as an acronym, this gave the audience time to familiarise them selves with the product. Starting off the conventions of magazines the Masthead is in the middle at the top of the page, standing out, everything below it is written by them, etc. Bold fonts in text boxes stands out and catches your eye as colours were not used at this time. Drastic differences have developed over time. An issue published in December 1978 is the first we see the acronym NME being used, a good 26 years after being on the market.

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