Friday, March 5, 2010

Questionnaire results

To collect my questionnaire results I used both the blog and handed out written questionnaires. I used both these methods because it if often quicker to fill out a questionnaire if you are already online on a website such as Facebook, this site is extremely popular with my target audience. therefore i frequently posted links onto my status asking my friends to fill it in. A problem with this method is that I found people only fill in part of the questionnaire then either get bored or distracted and leave it half filled in. Therefore to hand my questionnaire out to people means they have to fill it in there and then, this cuts back half filled out questionnaires as I can check them. An overall problem with questionnaires is social desirability bias. This means that people don't fill in questionnaires out properly they tend to make themselves look better, also with pressure to fill in the same answers as your friends , for example if you buy a magazine every week but your friends only buy them when they feel like it you feel more obliged to say you do the same. However this is simply the easiest way to collect results. I added the results of the online questionnaire with the questionnaire I handed out together and obtained the following results:

1. Gender:
15 males 10 females

2. Age:
14 - 1
15 -0
16 -9
17 - 11
18 - 1
19+ 3

3. Occupation:
Student - 15
Student + part time job - 6
Part time job - 2
Full time job - 3

This shows that my ideal target audience are aged betweem 16 and 17 years old, both male and female. They are students with no income except for either pocket money/ paper round/ EMA/ or part time jobs, relating the fact that the price of my magazine has to be affordable to draw in the readers.

4. Often buy magazines:
Yes- 4

5. How often:
Once a week-
Twice a week-
Once every two weeks-4
Once a month-9
Other- (every 3 months- 1)(when I can be bothered- 11)

These two question results show that magazines are not an often buy for the average teenager, as 20 selected they read them sometimes. This means that for your particular issue of a magazine to be bought it needs to catch the eyes of potential buyers either by colours or images.

6. Attention:
Reputation- 7
Masthead- 7
Celebrities- 8
Freebies- 9
Other- ( cover- 1)

The company that produces the magazine should be a trusted distributor of media products for example if Cadbury was to release a new product the likely hood of someone buying it is largely increased as the brand is known. This also goes for the reputation. The front cover is the only bit visible in sight therefore it has to catch attention any way possible.

7. Price:
£1-£2- 10
£2-£3- 12

As my target audience are largely teenagers the price of the product can not exceed expectations or margin higher than what the majority are willing to pay as you would loose readers. Therefore my product will be priced at £1.50. £2-£3 is the maximum price people would pay increasing chance of buyers if the price is lower than they expected as we have seen previously many are unemployed.

8. Genre:
Rock- 13
RnB- 10

9. Number of genres:
One type-3
Mixutre of two-13
Complete mix-8

These questions were important for my products research as the type if music that features inside a magfazine is important for example metal music alongside RnB music in one magazine wouldn't work as the two genres do not coincide with each other but instead clash. My original idea was to have a mix of at least two genres. The results collected demonstrate that this is what the majority of my audience are after.

10. Turn offs:
Not attractive-1
Too much content-1
Too many colours-6

These answers help me to understand what not to do with my product in order to target a broader audience. The main concern people have is the price, it has to be correctly priced in the markets opinion to be considered a purchase which is understandable as often teenagers do not have a lot of money to spend.

11. Feautes:
Letters from readers-1

This question was in aid of my contents page to research into what headings and subheadings would appeal more. Typically the artists inside won the most votes as these are who they are going to be reading about. Which follows onto the second highest answer of news. People who buy the magazine want to know what their favourite artists are up to and what's coming up next for them.

12. Layout:
Centred main image with text around-9
Centred main image text above and below it- 4
Centred main image images and text above and below-12

The most popular layout of centred image and images and text above and below is becuase it gives the reader more to look at, more items grab the readers attention.

13: Style shot:
Mid shot-18
Long shot-1
Midlong shot-2
Close up-4

Mid shots are popular as its close enough to see emotions on the models face, you can see part of the outfit and the image is nicely positioned in the centre of the cover with enough room either side.

14: Colour schemes:
Purple and Black-10
Black and White-5
Black and Green-2
Red and Blue-3
Green and Purple-5

The most popular colours are not suprising purple and black is a good choice as they contrast nicely together black is used a lot in magazine as its a dark colour its striking and it can be contrasted with nearly any colour.

15: Masthead:

These results were close but i'm glad that Launch won by one point as it was my favourite choice because the masthead represents what my maazine would be about.

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