Tuesday, February 23, 2010


After researching i decided to see how my target audience felt about my decisions such as the ideas for my magazine, so it appeals to a large audience. This was carried out by printing copies off and handing them out to a variety of girls and boys in similar age range.


1. Are you male/ female?

2. How old are you? ………..

3. Occupation…….

4. Do you read magazines often?

Yes/ No/ Sometimes.

5. How often do you buy magazines?

Once a week/ twice a week/once every two weeks/once a month/ other, please state……..

6. What draws your attention to a new magazine? (you can circle more than one)

Familiarity of the magazine/ reputation of magazine/ Masthead/ Celebrities/ freebies.

7. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?

Less than £1/ £1- £2/ £2- £3/ more

8. What music do you prefer to listen to? (you can circle more than one)

rock/ metal/ punk/ indie/ pop/ RnB/ Dance/ Garage/oldies/ other please state……

9. Would you prefer a music magazine based on..

One type of genre/ mixture of 1 or 2 genres/ complete mixture

10. What puts you off buying a magazine? ………

11. What features do you prefer in a magazine?

Artist’s inside/Reviews/ Posters/ Quizzes/ News/ other please state……

12. Which layout do you prefer? (please circle)

13. Which shot would you prefer to see on a front cover?

Close up/ extreme close up/ mid shot/ long shot/ mid-long shot

14. Which colour scheme do you prefer?

Black and white/ Purple and black/ Purple and green/ Black and green/ other please state…..

15. Which masthead (title) do you prefer?

Alternate/ Launch/ME (music evolution)/other please state…..

I didn't include my own ideas in this first questionnaire simply because I wanted to see what they thought about existing magazines before I publish any initial ideas for my own. I have collected back the data and from the results I will hand out a second questionnaire with my ideas on.

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