Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Q Contents Page Analysis.

The contents page in this magazine is spread over tow pages. You also find it a few pages in from the front, which is not like other magazines when they are located the first page after the front cover. Q has it 4 pages into the magazine with adverts previous to this. This is not a conventional place to have a contents page.

The Q at the top of the left hand page is in the style of an award, representing that it sees itself with award winning information and style. The red banner is always along the top of the double page spread keeping with the style of the front colour. Red is there house style colour, it’s present in every issue of the magazine. Inside the banner the Contents is in black contrasting with the red but also not fitting in with the white so each word is related to something different. Its in the left hand corner simply because we read from left to right, it makes sense to place it there and continue onto the next page. The issue number allows dedicated readers to keep up to date with issues to make sure they don’t miss an issue.

Through out the rest of the contents the colour scheme continues with red, white and black, this keeps the reader informed that the information has not changed.

What’s also not conventional like other magazines are that Q does not order its contents in numerical order, but instead the contents are listed under headings. Such as ‘Features’, ‘Regulars’ and ‘The Q Review’.

This is neither more confusing nor simpler for the reader. For many readers they start reading from the front page to the last. Each heading is underlined in red indicates what’s the title and then a little piece of information underneath it, to engross the reader.

The cluster of images in the centre make the contents more eye catching and draws attention to it, the images used are of the main stories inside the magazine and gives the reader a taster of what’s to come. Each image has either the number in black or white, depending on the colour of the background to contrast.

Each image is not a different story they are still mentioned under one of the headings. The main image is of Oasis is the largest on the pages representing that this particular story is the biggest story in this magazine. The images printed are either the most popular wanted stories or they are unknown and trying to promote them.

The image of Q magazine at the top right hand corner is of the front cover of this particular magazine.

The layout of this overall contents page is neat and nicely spaced layout representing that this magazine is aimed at a older audience than a magazine like Kerrang.

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