Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We Are The Ocean- Double Page Spread Analysis.

We Are The Ocean - Double Page Spread Analysis.

Unlike typical magazine articles this article on We Are The Ocean, is laid out differently. There is a main image, however this takes up the entire spread and there is no main bulk of text. Instead there are mini profiles on each member of the band. This attracts fans of the band as the profiles reveal information on individual members.

The image is set on a plain white background this is so no attention is drawn away from the band. However a red coloured ripple effect has been added, to correspond with the pun “making waves”. This refers to the bands name We Are The Ocean, it’s cleverly added as it blends in with the theme and making waves can be suggested as making noise or havoc in the music industry.

The boxed text of We Are The Ocean reiterates who the article is about if you aren’t familiar with the band, this ties in nicely with the pun next to it. The black box and red

The image is evenly spread across the double page, each band member having an equal size space representing that each member is valued as equal, neither one is more important they function together. This is a positive image on young fans, teaching them to work together.

The image is in faded colours, in this article because they give the article depth. It also fits with the rest of the colour scheme and neither the text or image stand out more than each other. This gives equal attention to the clever pun. The colours used are different from what you would expect We Are The Ocean would use because you would associate ocean with different shades of blue. The outfit’s the band are wearing don’t stand out they blend in with the theme; they’re casually dressed meaning they don’t have to try hard, to get noticed.

Each member has a cheeky expression this symbolizes the bands personality and approach towards the music industry. It also displays a bright insight to rock music; they have a smile which many rock musicians refuse to wear.

The little profiles are in fact mini interviews. They are easy to read and they easily illustrate who said what, which is sometimes difficult to decipher within interviews.

If you are new to this band as they are relatively new to the music industry, this is an easy and quick way to learn the members and a lot about them with the use of personal questions. The use of the red and the black writing identifies which is the question and answer but also the red and black ties the overall image of the article together. The thought bubbles around the text simply emphasize that, that information came from that particular member.

The clip of text in the top right hand corner gives some information as to why they are featured in the article this is a good way to promote their forthcoming album. There are a few puns in the text that reflects the bands aura and name for example “make a splash.” Also to promote themselves along the bottom right hand corner in a banner they have the release date of their new album. This is great positioning as this is where people go to turn the page so it catches their eye.

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