Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Camera shots:

Magazine front cover ideas: For a front cover there are typically 3 types of shots used these are; close ups, mid shots and long shots.
I can use a close up, this obviously expresses emotion, in this particular shot you can express a genre by make up, such as dark eyeliner, for a rock look or a lot of bronzer and mascara for a RnB look.

A shot i could use is a long shot, this focuses more on the body language and outfit than the expression. The person(s) on the cover in this type of shot, are often always up to date with the latest fashion (within that genre) as it's a strong influence on the audience.
This idea for my cover consists of a mid shot of my model. This will enable my audience to see the emotion on there face, but also see enough of them to observe there outfit, as image is also important in any magazine but less so in rock and roll magazines which is the type of genre I'm aiming for.

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