Friday, February 5, 2010

NME Contents Analysis

NME Contents Analysis.

This NME contents simply consists of one large image covering a high percentage of the page, leaving little space at the side where the contents is listed. The image shows a band, this band is Blur. They’re at a premier reunited. This interests fans to what premier and why they were there. Aswell as the excitement of their reunion.

The colour scheme is continued from the front cover; this colour scheme consists of red, black and white. The paper of the magazine is made of a similar material to a newspaper, this is because when NME started it was much bigger, similar size to a newspaper, however as time progressed the size was compact but to keep some of the authenticity the material was kept the same.

The ‘Snapshot’ title, says the same as a ‘contents’ does it gives you an insight to what’s inside. The capitalised letters grab your attention more than lower case would do. The text ‘What’s inside contrasts with the ‘snapshot’ as this is white text on black background, this and the size distinguish a difference between the two phrases, this also applies with the ‘News’ in the top right hand corner. This just displays what section of the magazine you are at. This runs throughout the entire magazine.

The costume of the band show their casual attitude to the reunion they’re not out making a big deal about themselves. There is not a dress code between them just casual jeans, top and jacket. This shows their individuality. Their expressions indicate a happy return along with the body language such as arms around each other show unison and comfort amongst each other. The text related to this article has a bold heading the use of movie in brackets make the reader intrigued as to why this has been used. The article then goes on to explain that the band has made a film. The red ‘I’ draws attention to read the article. The red carpet represents importance. In the top left hand corner the date of when the image was taken, this connotes to the reader how relevant and up to date the story is.

The main contents are listed on the left hand side. The text is in red to add some colour, in this issue it coincides nicely with the red carpet and ‘I’’. Untypical of magazines is that the content is listed not in categories but in alphabetical order. The majority of the contents listed are artists. This is a typical convention of NME magazines.

The banner along the bottom of the page promotes a deal to their dedicated readers. The offer invites them to subscribe and get 85p off every issue. This will be inviting to readers because a weekly cost of £2.20 can add up for someone who only has little money to spend. There are no alternating colours to distract you from the information given. The image of the magazine in the bottom right hand corner simply shows the reader an example of what they can get.

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