Saturday, May 8, 2010

Question 2

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

To represent my particular social group I used a colour scheme of purple and green. The green represents being new or inexperienced and the purple represents elegance and its uncommon in nature, these are ideal for my audience. These colours will attract my social groups as genres such as punk and alternative can be identified with bright colours drawing them towards the magazine. These colours are on my front cover, continued onto the contents page and double page spread this was to keep to the colour scheme and house style.

The age of my model also attracts the social groups as she is young targeting a young audience, she’s a pretty female, also unknown in the world of music which intrigues the buyer, her outfit of a black corset with red indicates sassiness and passion, the corset can often be worn by punks and people who dress alternatively to others. The eyes are focused on the camera catching your eye and drawing you in, the model isn’t pulling a particular pose for example I have witnessed in an RnB magazine the male model has a clenched fist in the fashion of “respect”. The language isn’t particularly grammatically correct, it’s written in the style of a teenager but not too simplistic. This is demonstrated in my double page spread. Along with the language the font I used changes on the cover contents and double page spread but is consistent throughout each page. For example I used Lucida Handwriting on the cover except for the masthead, on the contents page I used Meiryo, it’s easy to read off of and slightly plain, I also used this colour on the spread but alternatively changed the colours from green to black, making the page more exciting also splitting the article up into question and answers, as my audience don’t typically like to read pages of writing.

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