Saturday, May 8, 2010


To begin to construct my products I needed to take lots of pictures, as the more pictures I took the better my chance at finding the right picture, it's better to have too many than too less.

Two of these pictures feature Nickelback on the top however if I was to use this I would probably edit it so it was not visible as the model featuring on the cover is an artist herself.
For my front cover I took pictures from a mid shot to closer up shots as this was my prefered shot according to my audience who filled out my questionnaire.

I found that neither of these two shots i narrowed it down to the angle the photograph was taken doesn't would conventionally be seen on a front cover, these are unedited photos as one is really pale I would have added colour to the cheeks. Therefore the style of photo I decided to use is the image you can see on the cover. The image below is the original photo. In total I took around 60 photos for my front cover.

The double page spread pictures were taken on a trip up to London with some friends. I took several pictures of the 3 guys together.
Pictures taken are the ones that are featured in the magazine others that didn't capture the light properly, as I was taking pictures of three people they all have to be ready at the same time for the photo, as I found on some occasions two were ready and posing/smiling and the other was not.
This is the original photograph before being edited of the band. Befiore I cropping and editting it. The idea of the layabouts came from a day at school, when some friends were playing around and I ended up taking a photo of them holding a friend up.

Following this I took the pictures which demonstates two out of three were ready.

Once the photos were decided I had a look on and browsed around the library of fonts on there. I print screened any fonts I liked and pasted them into paint.

For the conents page I didn't take that many photos I simply used existing photos I have taken on days out with friends, parties and concerts as I feel that they are suitable to the use.

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