Saturday, May 8, 2010

Question 3

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My a magazine to be distributed a publisher has to be discovered that works best for the magazine. Magazines Q and Kerrang are published by a large German publishing company Bauer founded in 1875. The company’s headquarters is in Hamburg but operates in 15 countries worldwide. Even though the company publishes two magazines that feature the same genres as my magazine publishing three of the same may be a strain. NME is published by IPC Media as well as publishing over 80 other consumer magazines.. These companies are well known in the media industry and for my magazine to be successful I would have to choose carefully to make mine successful. My magazine will be distributed by a variety of media institutions this is because it targets a large market, to teenagers anywhere in the country as it features more than one genre of music so the market is broader. It will be creating a large profit to institutions selling it. Big shops such as WHSmiths would stock large numbers of my magazine as it is a well known store that has a large variety of customers. My magazine is similar to Kerrang and looking at different media distributes its sold in many places such as Tesco’s and other large supermarkets, WHSmith’s, Newsagents and magazine kiosks. The magazine can be publicised on the internet and therefore can be mail ordered, as a lot of people use the internet to buy things. As the internet is a useful place to order products I have included a subscription on the contents page, alerting the reader that they can order it online in the comfort of there own home.

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