Saturday, May 8, 2010

Question 6

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The first technology I used in the process of constructing my product was the internet to create my own blog, however I already hit my first complication which was that a year or so previously I created an account, which I had to send my forgotten password email to my hotmail account to which I then accessed and deleted my original blog so I could create a new one. Once I complete this the next piece of technology I used was my camera in which I took pictures for my preliminary coursework. I took a lot of photos as I had wiped my memory card so it was empty in order to take as many pictures as possible, recieving a better result than only having 10 picture spaces left to take good photos. I used my own 10.0 megapixel digital camera as I am familiar with the settings and it takes good images.

I however didn’t have a scanner handy to scan in my design ideas so I simply took a picture of them and uploaded as a simple idea and created neater versions on paint. To upload the images I took on my camera I used the lead that is compatible for uploading on machines and also the memory card reader that was provided by the school, I swapped many images onto my memory stick so I had them on more than one portable device in case I forgot or misplaced one for the lesson I needed them for.

A tool I used on the creation of my product was the changing of the brightness and contrast of my colours, making some brighter or darker depending on the image and where I was placing it.

The only other tools I really used are the eraser, blemish tool, crop tool and copying and pasting into new layers.

A problem I found was that my memory stick was quickly filled up with work quickly so had to often uploaded other subjects work onto my laptop or computer at home creating enough space for media as image sizes are large especially PSD files for example one PSD image of my double page spread is 62.4 MB. A major thing I have learnt from the process of creating my product is to continuously save my work as on several occasions the apple macs photo elements programme shut down and I was unable to recover my work, this same problem occurred on my laptop so I learnt to save after every new bit I added or changed. once I overcame this element the use of Photoshop was relatively simple as I have a similar programme on my laptop. A new website I have discovered through this work is where there is an entire library of different fonts.

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